lørdag 4. januar 2014

IBM IHS error: mod_domino: apr_socket_connect, could not connect to Domino Server

I just had a problem getting IHS to communicate with Domino 9.0.1. The IHS error.log stated the following:
mod_domino: apr_socket_connect, could not connect to Domino Server
I browsed the documentation and found:
The Domino HTTP server only accepts connections that originate from the same computer. By default, mod_domino uses the local loop back address of to connect to the Domino HTTP server. Both server processes must run on the same computer.
When IHS is installed as a part of Domino the Domino HTTP task listens to port 9288. I figured I needed to find out which IP addresses the HTTP task was listening on port 9288 on. Netstat is good at this and revealed the following:
TCP             LISTENING
Domino was listening on port 9288, but not on the loopback address.
Suddenly it struck me that I had to add localhost to field in the server document where you specify the host name(s) Domino HTTP task listens to.
Screen Shot 2013-12-23 at 14.05.23
I added localhost, restarted the Domino server and voila! :-)

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